Hello World,
Good news everybody!! I'm new to robotics and I'm ready to get started. The thing is, I need a little help getting started. I recently bought six AX-12 servos, an Arbotix-M controller, a FTDI cable, and I have it all put together with some 3D printed parts. For software I currently have both my laptop (i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD) and Raspberry Pi 2 (SSH) running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, ROS Jade, and the PYTHON Arbotix package for ROS. Everything is up, running with all error messages fixed. This is where you hopefully come in...
I'm reaching out for someone to create a simple 'starter package' to help me out. In this package I just need the basic few files to just get these motor moving. A BASIC 2-3 servo (pan and tilt) setup that is made with a simple loop that has a # Commented area showing where to add some code so I can program a couple moves to get started. So, a package contain CMakeList.txt, package.xml, .yaml (2-3 servos, small setup), .launch, publisher.py (with a basic back and forth loop), and a subscriber.py (printing some basic servo feedback).
In the publisher python file that will be doing a basic pan tilt loop, can you just comment the section for me to add code to, like this currently is (or something to make it understandable).
This should be a quick project for anyone willing to help, and I would be overly appreciative. I will be sharing this with many other noobs that are getting starting like me. We are a new group of students who just wanted an educational hobby. So the 'Beginner_Arbotix_Python_PKG' you come up with will be used to teach fellow student, as well as younger students. Can't wait to see what you come up with!!!